Daniel Ripley McNeely

Special Patent Counsel



  • Intellectual Property Litigation
  • International Trade Commission (ITC)
  • Litigation & Trial


  • District of Columbia
  • Illinois


  • JD, George Washington University, 2007
  • BA, Butler University, 2004


Daniel McNeely represents clients in their highest-stakes patent infringement before the International Trade Commission (ITC) and federal district courts.

Daniel leverages extensive experience representing both complainants and respondents in more than two-dozen ITC investigations and participating in more than 10 ITC trials to craft litigation strategies in matters involving:

  • Automobile automatic terrain response technology
  • Digital video receivers and broadband gateways
  • Networking devices and related software
  • Wireless cellular devices
  • Medical devices
  • Internet-connected fitness equipment
  • Memory chips
  • Radio base stations

He also participates in US Customs and Border Protection consultations regarding ITC exclusion order enforcement and section 177 ruling requests.

Daniel maintains an active pro bono practice and represents clients in litigation involving landlord tenant disputes, political asylum applications, and fraudulent contractor disputes, in addition to estate planning document drafting.

Before joining Latham, Daniel was an associate at another international firm.


Daniel’s representative experience includes:

  • Defending a major cable provider in an ITC investigation against infringement claims by a non-practicing entity. Complainant was forced to withdraw the complaint during discovery.
  • Representing a major fitness and technology company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by iFIT products. Obtained favorable settlement before trial.
  • Defending a major fitness and technology company against infringement claims by iFIT. Obtained favorable settlement before trial.
  • Representing a global automotive company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by Volkswagen Group automobiles. Obtained favorable settlement before trial.
  • Defending a major cable provider in an ITC investigation against infringement claims by Rovi. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.
  • Defending a major cable provider in an ITC investigation against infringement claims by Rovi. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Defending a major cable provider in an ITC investigation against infringement claims by Rovi. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Representing a major telecommunications company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by Apple products. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Representing a major telecommunications company in an ITC Investigation asserting infringement by Apple products. Obtained favorable settlement prior to trial.*
  • Representing a major memory company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by Spansion and downstream products. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Defending a major memory company in an ITC Investigation against infringement claims by Spansion. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Defending a major telecommunications and cellular phone manufacturing company in an ITC Investigation against infringement claims by Nokia. Obtained a favorable settlement before trial.*
  • Defending a major telecommunications company in an ITC Investigation against infringement claims by Adaptix. Obtained a favorable outcome prior to trial.*
  • Representing a computer graphics company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by Apple products. Obtained favorable settlement prior to trial.*
  • Representing a major telecommunications and cellular phone manufacturing company in an ITC investigation asserting infringement by Apple products. Obtained favorable settlement after trial.*
  • Representing a low-income senior couple in obtaining a total refund in a fraudulent contractor matter.*
  • Representing a low-income senior in obtaining a substantial settlement in a wrongful eviction matter.*

*Matter handled prior to joining Latham