Samantha Yeager


Orange County


  • California


  • JD, UCLA School of Law, 2024
  • BA in International Relations & Environmental Studies, University of Southern California, 2019
    magna cum laude


Samantha Yeager is an associate in the Orange County office of Latham & Watkins.

Samantha received her JD from UCLA School of Law, where she graduated Order of the Coif. While at UCLA, Samantha won the Student Negotiations Competition, hosted by the Environmental Law section of the California Lawyers Association. Samantha served on the Journal of Environmental Law and Policy and in the Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic. She was named a Michael T. Masin Scholar in 2022, earning honors in Legal Research and Writing, Civil Procedure, Torts, and Property.

Prior to joining Latham, Samantha worked at a public affairs firm in Washington, D.C.