Sophie Goossens




  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Connectivity, Privacy & Information
  • Litigation & Trial


  • Entertainment, Sports & Media
  • Retail & Consumer Products
  • Technology
  • Video Gaming & esports


  • Avocat (Paris)
  • England and Wales (Solicitor)


  • Master 2, University of Paris XI (Sud), 2006
  • Master 1, Paris II Assas University (Paris - France), 2005
  • BA, Université de Bordeaux, 2004


Sophie Goossens, a market-leading copyright and technology lawyer, advises major technology and media clients on strategic issues at the forefront of innovation.

Globally recognized as a leading practitioner in digital content, AI, intermediary platforms, music, devices, and games, she leverages policy insights, a strong academic background, and fluency in EU law, common law, and civil law systems to guide clients through sophisticated and cutting-edge issues.

Sophie advises the most innovative online media, content, and tech companies on transactions, litigation, public policy, and regulatory investigations stemming from:

  • Copyright, AI, and data mining issues
  • Internet safe harbor rules and platform liability
  • Article 15 and 17 of the Copyright Directive
  • Multi-territorial music licensing and collecting societies
  • IT and software law
  • Sector-specific regulation, including the EU AI Act, audiovisual regulations including TV retransmission, the EU Data Strategy, and the Digital Services Act
  • Content-based transactions and acquisitions
  • Smart and connected devices

A former business affairs executive with highly commercial skills, Sophie also advises on complex matters at the intersection of copyright and competition law, EU constitutional law, and net neutrality.

As a thought leader, she served as the chair of the European Commission’s working group that led to the Music Moves Europe program. She is a member of the British Literary & Artistic Copyright Association, spoke about AI at ALAI’s last edition in Paris, and taught a course on European and International copyright law at her alma mater, the Faculté Jean Monnet in Paris.


Sophie’s experience includes:

Product Counselling

  • Advising a household name in technology on its development of synthetic voices from a copyright and “personality right” perspective*
  • Advising leading technology providers on the risks stemming from using copyright protected content in developing AI systems*
  • Advising social media platforms on safe harbor protections, content moderation including reporting mechanisms, take-downs features, appeals, and best practices*
  • Advising a podcast company operating across the EU on risks stemming from using RSS feeds following the Tuneln decision*
  • Preparing advice about the copyright status of hyperlinks under EU law*
  • Advising on licensing strategies under Sat/Cab II in the online television landscape and comparing CMO tariffs for TV and VOD*
  • Advising global film and music production companies on their use of AIs, including risks stemming from their compliance with the EU AI ACT*
  • Advising a satellite company on the launch of several products using satellite imagery*
  • Advising social media companies and game companies on chat features and private messaging functionalities*
  • Advising fitness companies on their use of music and music licensing strategies*
  • Advising on parental control features*


  • Drafting an analysis of the “opt-out” right enshrined in Article 4 of the Copyright Directive, including practical guidance on assessing the validity of opt-outs for global content services*
  • Advising podcast and spoken audio businesses on EU copyright, protectability of phonograms, trade unions, collective bargaining agreements, and the role of CMOs*
  • Advising MMO game on its use of AI and compliance with the EU AI ACT*
  • Drafting a comprehensive study on the regulation of CMOs in Europe, including from a competition law perspective for a global media service*
  • Advising an online platform throughout their entire compliance review on Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive, post adoption of the text*
  • Drafting strategic note on the applicability of Article 17 to certain categories of online services.*
  • Preparing comprehensive DSA assessment for a global Adtech company*
  • Advising an MMO games platform on DSA applicability and compliance*
  • Drafting comprehensive analysis and strategic note on the transposition of Article 15 of the Copyright Directive across Europe, including in France, for online media companies*
  • Drafting a comprehensive assessment of the “making available right,” its implementation in EU law, and its impact on music licensing strategies*
  • Drafting a multi-jurisdictional comparative study on the concept of “Equitable remuneration,” the payment of the same, and the obligations stemming therefrom, across seven EU jurisdictions*
  • Advising social media companies on advertising laws and regulations*
  • Advising a leading device manufacturer on the transposition of the audiovisual media service directive, including in France, advising on French rules on “prominence”*


  • Representing a music streaming service in a widely publicized dispute with a record company during negotiations for a music license renewal (2011)*
  • Representing the heirs of a well-known French singer in a high-stakes Court of Appeal copyright dispute between rightsholders*
  • Representing a music distribution company in the context of a high-stake copyright infringement claim*
  • Preparing a comparative analysis of French and UK procedural laws and remedies for copyright infringement for a global music service*
  • Preparing advice on challenging the tariffs of CMOs*
  • Drafting pre-litigation assessment memo about the risks of infringing copyright in an image in France with a focus on procedural issues*
  • Drafting advice on litigation risks stemming from exploiting unlicensed music catalogues*
  • Preparing impact assessments for various music businesses following the Atresmedia CJEU decision*


  • Advising online media services in respect of their press publication licensing strategies*
  • Advising content production companies in film, TV, and games on buy-outs, work-made-for-hire, and hiring talent in Europe*
  • Advising licensees on avenues and strategies for negotiating or challenging CMO tariffs in Europe*
  • Negotiating talent and brand ambassador agreements for the 2022 FIFA World Cup*
  • Negotiating music soundtrack rights for the 2022 FIFA World Cup*
  • Emergency music clearance for in-game radio feature*
  • Drafting note on music acquisition strategies for games companies*


  • Advising on options to respond to UK IPO consultation on AI and Copyright*
  • Advising policy team on AI Code of practice*
  • Preparing a comprehensive legal impact assessment for the EU Commission on the proposed introduction of an EU “fair remuneration” (2018) right for a major VOD platform*
  • Drafting position papers, policy documents, and amendments for the policy team of a global online platform during the adoption process of the Copyright Directive 2019/790*
  • Advising a trade body representing digital music services in France (ESML) in all their dealings with other institutional bodies and governments*

*Matter handled prior to joining Latham