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June 27, 2024 Blog

ESAs Propose New SFDR Classification System

The ESAs urge the European Commission to consider a labeling rather than a disclosure regime to help consumers understand the sustainability goals of financial products.
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The Book of Jargon Series – Word of the Day®

The Book of Jargon® is a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins.


a term analogous to Genome, the entire set of Proteins that is or can be expressed by a Cell, tissue or organism at a particular time. A proteome varies with time and the conditions that an organism experiences.

Word of the Day®


a medical term used to describe a potassium level in a patient’s blood that is higher than normal.

Word of the Day®


starting a company using your own funds or the funds of immediate family members or other relatives or mentors. This method of Financing, which is very common for Startups, is used to get a company up and running quickly and cheaply before completing a Financing from other third parties.

Word of the Day®


when the demand for ecological resources and services exceeds what the earth can regenerate in a given year. 
Used in a sentence: “Oh(ver) shoot! The earth just can’t take it anymore.”

Word of the Day®


a form of cyberattack in which the attacker obtains unauthorized access to a computer in order to secretly Mine Cryptocurrency

Word of the Day®

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