Global Antitrust Practice Again Awarded GCR’s Matter of the Year
Latham’s Global Antitrust & Competition Practice was recognized by leading antitrust publication Global Competition Review (GCR) at its annual GCR Awards for advising on two honored matters, including Matter of the Year.
The 2016 Matter of the Year award recognized the legal teams that represented several airlines in their appeal of the European Commission (EC)’s fining decision in the Air Cargo cartel investigation. In December 2015, the EU General Court annulled the EC’s decision and the €800 million fine imposed on 12 airlines based on inconsistencies between the operative part of the decision and the reasoning in its grounds. Latham represented Singapore Airlines and Singapore Airlines Cargo in the cartel investigation. This marks the third consecutive year Latham has been recognized by GCR in its top award category.
Latham also advised on GCR's 2016 Merger Control Matter of the Year – Americas, honoring the US merger clearance of Expedia’s acquisition of Orbitz. As counsel to Orbitz, Latham played a leading role in steering the landmark deal through the merger review process, which included a headline-making six-month investigation by the US Department of Justice (DOJ). Ultimately, the DOJ cleared the deal unconditionally, allowing the transaction to close in September of 2015.