Global Chair Named NLJ Energy & Environmental Trailblazer
The National Law Journal (NLJ) has recognized Washington, D.C. partner Janice Schneider in its fourth annual “Energy & Environmental Trailblazers” report, which features lawyers who have “shown a deep passion and perseverance in pursuit of their mission, having achieved remarkable successes along the way,” according to the NLJ.
Schneider was honored for both her work in government – including at the US Department of the Interior and the Justice Department’s Wildlife Division for a total of 11 years – and her achievements in private practice at Latham & Watkins, which she rejoined in early 2017 with several other top Obama Administration officials. Among her many accomplishments, Schneider was cited by the NLJ in her published profile for overseeing the nation’s largest offshore wind lease sale to date, and for her role in developing a new approach to rangeland fires in a significant public lands policy change during her service as the Senate-confirmed Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management. She was also noted for her work in private practice in “helping clients achieve win-win solutions with their opponents on projects” such as large scale energy projects and transmission lines.
Latham partners who were previously named Energy & Environmental Trailblazers include Tommy Beaudreau and Jeff Greenberg in 2017, Bill Finnegan and John Sachs in 2016, and Kirk Davenport, Christopher Garrett, and Robert Wyman in 2015.