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Latham Honored As 2022 Champion for Children

April 21, 2023
Children’s Law Center
Firm recognized for the sixth consecutive year for efforts to provide funds for legal services to Washington, D.C. children.

Latham & Watkins has been named a 2022 Champion for Children by Children’s Law Center (CLC). This marks the firm’s sixth consecutive and eighth overall win, an unprecedented record in Champions for Children history. This award recognizes the philanthropy of law firms and corporations whose total annual giving to CLC exceeded that of their peers.

“We are proud of our continued partnership with Children’s Law Center, whose work is transformative for children facing systemic barriers to health and education,” said Dan Lennon, Managing Partner of the firm’s Washington, D.C. office.

“Latham’s longstanding commitment to the health and wellbeing of D.C. children has helped us reach children in foster care, students with special education needs, and kids who have health problems that can’t be solved by medicine alone,” said Judith Sandalow, Children’s Law Center’s Executive Director. “This steadfast commitment and unwavering dedication makes the firm a true champion for children.”

CLC is Washington, D.C.’s largest nonprofit legal services provider, working with D.C. children and families, community partners, and pro bono lawyers to provide a strong foundation of family, health, and education, and to create a world free from poverty, trauma, racism, and other forms of oppression.
