Blurry vision of the sun reflected in the glass skyscraper.

Latham Advises Ares on Secondaries Transaction Named Americas LP-Led Deal of the Year

March 6, 2025
Secondaries Investor
Secondaries Investor awards Ares’ acquisition of US$1.1 billion portfolio of private equity fund interests from Blackstone.

Latham & Watkins advised Ares Management Corporation in its acquisition of a US$1.1+ billion portfolio of private equity fund interests from Blackstone Strategic Partners, which Secondaries Investor named 2024 LP-Led Deal of the Year in the Americas. Ares invested over US$1 billion, which is Ares’ largest-ever secondaries transaction. Secondaries Investor’s awards celebrate the best-in-class buyers, advisers, and transactions seen across the market globally.

Investment Funds partner John Kelley, with associates Nick McCoy and Sandile Magagula, represented Ares in the transaction. Partner Michael Milazzo, with counsel Lauren Bewley and associate Roxanna Abdoli, advised on tax matters.
