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Latham Advises Apollo on €166.5 Million ABB on Lottomatica Group’s Shares

September 20, 2024
Capital markets team represents the global asset manager in the sale.

Latham & Watkins has advised Gamma Intermediate S.à r.l. (a company incorporated on behalf of funds managed by Apollo Management IX, L.P.), in the sale through an accelerated bookbuilding of 15 million ordinary shares of Lottomatica Group S.p.A. at a price of €11.10 per share. The total gross proceeds correspond to approximately €166.5 million.

The Latham team was led by Antonio Coletti and Guido Bartolomei. Advice was also provided on US matters by Ryan Benedict and Irene Pistotnik.

Barclays Bank PLC and Deutsche Bank AG acted as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners.
