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Latham Advises CK Infrastructure on Secondary Listing in London

August 19, 2024
London-led capital markets team advises first company to list under the new UK listing rules.

Latham & Watkins has advised CK Infrastructure Holdings Limited (CKI) on the admission of CKI’s issued shares to listing in the Equity Shares (International Commercial Companies Secondary Listing) category of the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and to trading on the Main Market for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange. CKI’s shares now trade on both the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange as of August 19, 2024.

CKI is the first company to be admitted to listing under the newly implemented UK listing rules, which came into force on July 29, 2024, and the first-ever company to be listed in the FCA’s international category.

CKI is one of the world’s largest global infrastructure companies, with diversified investments in energy infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, water infrastructure, waste management, waste-to-energy, household infrastructure, and other infrastructure-related businesses.

The Latham team was led by London corporate partners Mark Austin and Anna Ngo, with associates Daria Latysheva, Frederick Gardner, Summer Xia, and Cat Fellows. Advice on tax matters was provided by London partner Aoife McCabe and counsel James Leslie.