Our Work
Pro Bono Client Helps Transform Chicago Neighborhood
September 18, 2024
Green Era turns food waste into green jobs, renewable energy, fresh food, and healthy communities.
Since 2019, Latham & Watkins has offered pro bono support to Green Era as it seeks to revitalize the Auburn Gresham area of Chicago, Illinois. This neighborhood faces complex hurdles as it struggles to recover from redlining and disinvestment: the community has one of the highest rates of food insecurity in Chicago and risks becoming a food desert. Additionally, the area has a 13% unemployment rate, nearly double the Chicago average.
Green Era Campus has converted a nine-acre vacant brownfield site into a renewable energy and urban farming campus — creating green energy and jobs, providing fresh produce, offering small business incubation and educational programming, and bringing community green space to the Auburn Gresham area.
Learn more about this unique project and the firm’s role by watching this video: