Darcee Case is an associate in the New York office of Latham & Watkins.

Darcee’s practice involves a wide array of state, federal, and international tax disputes.

Darcee regularly counsels clients at all stages of tax controversies, including exam, appeals, and litigation in the US Tax Court and US district courts and subsequent appeal.

Darcee represents a variety of clients, including domestic and multi-national businesses, tax-exempt organizations, and high wealth individiuals.

Bar Qualification

  • New York


  • JD, William & Mary Law School, 2018
    Order of the Coif
  • BS in Applied Economics & Management, Cornell University, 2012


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October 20, 2023 Recognition

Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs

Latham litigators recognized for a Seventh Circuit win for Netflix upholding a win for streaming services finding that East St. Louis, Illinois, can’t force them to pay franchise fees imposed on cable companies.