Our International Trade Commission (ITC) practice consistently delivers trial victories in the most significant ITC cases, drawing on substantial experience navigating the accelerated and voluminous document discovery typical in these cases.
Latham’s ITC team includes former ITC personnel who know the staff attorneys, the Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), and the ITC’s practices and procedures. We understand how to practice under the demanding ITC schedules. We work with clients to manage the burdens and complexities of these proceedings, efficiently and effectively handling the discovery process and knowing which battles to fight and, crucially, how to communicate with the ALJ at hearings and trial.
We have represented both American and foreign companies as complainants and respondents in dozens of ITC investigations and numerous trials over patents and trade secrets. We also represent clients in ITC enforcement actions and are one of the few firms to handle proceedings before US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to clear redesigns for importation.
Our International Trade Commission (ITC) practice consistently delivers trial victories in the most significant ITC cases, drawing on substantial experience navigating the accelerated and voluminous document discovery typical in these cases.