LathamTECH in Focus: Trade Secrets — Goldmine or Landmine?
First Circuit Reins In Broad Theory of Liability Under Anti-Kickback Statute by Adopting “But-For Causation” Standard
FDIC Conducts Regulatory Review and Purge
Litigation 2024 Year in Review and 2025 Outlook
A view of the landscape in Europe and the UK.
LathamTECH in Focus Video Series
The Book of Jargon Series – Word of the Day®
The Book of Jargon® is a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins.
the person or entity in charge of the record or control of an ESI File. Sometimes, but not always, a Custodian is the author of the document. Other times they are a much-loved elementary school staff member.
High Splits
when the holder of the Incentive Distribution Rights (often the General Partner) is receiving distributions at the highest marginal percentage (typically 48 percent, exclusive of the General Partner Interest), it is sometimes said that the holder is “in the high splits.” See Incentive Distribution Rights.
a document showing the Encumbrances and Liens associated with a certain Property. The Abstract includes the names of all the Property owners and documents that affect the Property, such as Mortgages, Deeds, Covenants, restrictions, Property taxes, and the like.
a measure of how a Hedge Fund's returns are correlated compared to the broader market. Zero (0) indicates no correlation; one (1) indicates perfect correlation; minus-1 indicates a perfect inverse correlation.
Active Learning (or Continuous Active Learning)
a type of machine learning in which an algorithm analyzes a document reviewer’s Coding decisions to predict and rank Coding outcomes for unreviewed data. A form of AI, Active Learning also efficiently sorts, prioritizes, and codes unreviewed data. Basically, Active Learning is lawyers leading machines and machines leading lawyers.