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Global Financial Regulatory Resources

Explore our recent blog posts, reports, and insights.

We offer guidance and tools for banks, private banks, broker-dealers, insurers, investment companies, asset managers, payments companies, market infrastructure providers, and other fintech and financial services firms to navigate current and emerging regulations in all key jurisdictions around the globe.

Featured Podcast

In this episode of Connected with Latham, the final episode in a 10-part series complementing Latham’s “10 Key Focus Areas for UK-Regulated Financial Services Firms in 2024” report, London partners Rob Moulton and Nicola Higgs and associate Ella McGinn discuss how firms should prepare for the plethora of ESG-related regulation, as well as how firms can mitigate greenwashing risk. 
Recent Podcasts

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Monthly London Webcast Materials

Each month the UK and European Financial Regulatory lawyers at Latham & Watkins host a presentation and discussion covering recent changes to financial services regulation.



February 12, 2024 Recognition

Fintech Group of the Year: Latham & Watkins

Latham & Watkins LLP made waves in the fintech world last year by successfully defending venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz in a case of first impression involving so-called scam tokens as well as through its representation of Binance's CEO in ongoing enforcement actions.