RTS specifying the requirements for policies and procedures on conflicts of interest as well as the details and methodology for the content of disclosures of conflicts of interest
ITS with regard to standard forms, templates, and procedures for the information to be included in the notification by certain entities of their intention to provide cryptoasset services
Status: Adopted — to be published in the Official Journal
ESMA opinion on MiCA regulatory technical standards on the authorisations of crypto-asset service providers and notifications by certain financial entities to provide crypto-asset services
Status: N/A
Source: ESMA (in addition see here and here for the European Commission’s letter to ESMA on the same)
European Commission Letter to EBA and ESMA on the interplay between MiCA and PSD2
Status: N/A
Source: European Commission (in addition see here for the EBA’s letter to European Commission on the same)
All CASPs — Acquiring a qualifying holding
RTS specifying the detailed content of information necessary to carry out the assessment of a proposed acquisition of a qualifying holding in a CASP
Status: Adopted — to be published in the Official Journal
Joint Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of the shareholders or members, whether direct or indirect, with qualifying holdings in issuers of ARTs or of CASPs
RTS specifying the manners in which transparency data for cryptoasset service providers operating a trading platform for cryptoassets is to be presented
Status: Adopted — to be published in the Official Journal
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