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Latham Advises EMZ Partners and Aspire Education Group on Acquisition of WEKA Group’s Education Division

August 4, 2023
Multidisciplinary team represents European private equity firm and Aspire Education Group on add-on acquisition.

Latham & Watkins has advised European private equity firm EMZ Partners (EMZ) and its portfolio company Aspire Education Group (Aspire Education), a privately operated education group in the German-speaking region, on the acquisition of five WEKA Group companies in Switzerland and Germany. The combination will create a leading educational group with a focus on adult education in the DACH region.

Latham & Watkins regularly advises EMZ on transactions, including the acquisition of a majority stake in Aspire Education in December 2022.

The Latham team led by Munich partners Burc Hesse and Stephan Hufnagel, comprised associates Corinna Freudenmacher, Philipp Gärtner, Frankfurt counsel Christina Mann, and Düsseldorf associate Jaschar Mirkhani. Advise was also provided on tax matters by Hamburg partner Verena Seevers; on antitrust matters by Frankfurt partner Max Hauser, with associate Judith Jacop; on IP matters by partner Susan Kempe-Müller, with associate Pia Sößemann; on regulatory matters by counsel Joachim Grittmann, with associate Alexander Wilhelm; on data privacy matters by associate Jonas Kraus; on real estate matters by Munich associate Henriette Hosemann; on finance matters by associate Julia Bräuer; and on employment matters by partner Tobias Leder, with associate Christian Strauß.