
Explore highlights and successes from our pro bono program

Introducing Our 2023 Pro Bono Annual Review

We are proud to announce the release of our 2023 Pro Bono Annual Review, highlighting our public service initiatives around the world.

Message From Our Leaders

Chair and Managing Partner Rich Trobman, Director of Global Pro Bono and Public Service Counsel Laura Atkinson-Hope, and Global Pro Bono Committee Chair Anne Robinson reflect on our ongoing commitment to giving back.

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Robert M. Dell Prize for Extraordinary Pro Bono Service

Preserving Civil Rights


Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community

Latham has long defended and safeguarded the civil rights of individuals, engaged in high-impact litigation, and provided transactional services to nonprofits and charities within the LGBTQ+ community.


Advancing Racial Justice

We continue to expand our civil rights advocacy work with a focus on advancing racial equality and justice.


Making the Justice System Work for All

Our firm strives to preserve equal and just treatment under the law through litigation, advocacy, and partnerships with public interest organizations at the forefront of criminal justice reform.

Protecting the Environment


Caring for the Planet

We advise nonprofits around the globe whose work is advancing environmental sustainability and protecting our planet.


Promoting Marine Life

Latham earns a “seal” of approval for its work helping a marine mammal rehabilitation center.

Engaging in High-Impact Litigation


Advocating for Animals

Our firm achieved a victory for the Humane Society that will help end the cruel and inhumane practice of soring horses.

Serving the Underserved


Honoring Our Veterans

Advocating on behalf of active-duty service members and veterans is a cornerstone of Latham’s pro bono program.


Advising Immigrants and Asylees

Latham devotes thousands of hours each year to helping immigrants and asylees escape persecution, find safety, and begin building new lives in freedom.

Supporting Frontline Organizations

My Why: What Drives Our Firm’s Dedication to Pro Bono?
