Sibylle Münch, a finance partner, advises German and international financial institutions, private equity funds, and companies in a wide range of industries on complex national and cross-border financings.

Sibylle provides strategic advice to efficiently execute transactions, which are often pioneering and innovative in the market. Specifically, she works with clients on:

  • Leveraged buyouts
  • Strategic acquisitions
  • Public-to-private transactions
  • Unitranche financing (with senior/super senior structures)
  • General corporate lending (including Schuldschein)
  • Financing advicein relation to restructuring scenarios

She draws on experience with all types of products and financings to provide a strategic view on the issues and advantages of each type of structure.


Sibylle’s experience includes advising:

Private Equity Transactions

  • Ares Management on the on refinancing and recapitalization of Zytomics
  • Bregal on multiple transactions, including the: 
    • ACTICO acquisition financing
    • All4Golf acquisition financing
  • Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank on the financing of Waterland’s acquisition of JV Hansefit
  • Goldman Sachs on the refinancing of Schur Flexibles Group
  • Goldman, Berenberg, and Commerzbank on the financing of the acquisition of Cartonplast
  • HayFin on the financing of the acquisition of Dantherm by Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
  • Hg on multiple transactions, including the:
    • Sale of F24
    • Acquisition of a majority stake in F24
    • MediFox acquisition financing
    • Financing agreements for the acquisition of Mobility Concept and advice on the financing of an add-on acquisition
  • MediFox on the financing of the acquisition of DAN Produkte and Comfuture

Corporate Loans

  • Banks and institutional infrastructure investors on the financing of Quartz Healthcare
  • Bank consortium on the €1.8 billion syndicated term loan for SEFE
  • Bank consortium on new €750 million credit line for Sixt
  • Bank consortium on the:
    • Maturity extension of the €2.7 billion revolving credit facilities for TUI (€1.65 billion by the banks and €1.05 billion by KfW)
    • Provision of credit lines of €1.8 billion and €1.2 billion for TUI by KfW and a credit line of €200 million by KfW and other banks
    • Extension of existing revolving credit facilities totaling €4.7 billion for TUI
  • Bank consortium on €2 billion Credit Facility for Fresenius
  • Bank consortium on €2 billion Credit Facility for Fresenius Medical Care
  • Bank consortium on the refinancing of MAHLE
  • Bank consortium on the €2 billion dual-currency ESG-linked revolving credit facility for Henkel
  • Banks and institutional infrastructure investors on the financing of Quartz Healthcare
  • Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank on the:  
    • KfW-funded financing for the Noventi Group
    • Financing of the Noventi Group (including a syndicated loan and a Schuldschein)
    • Syndicated loan for ARZ Haan
  • Deutsche Bank on Schuldschein for Supernova Invest GmbH
  • LBBW und UniCredit on the Herrenknecht financing
  • Lenders on the financing in connection with the acquisition of the Thermal Commercial Vehicles Division from Valeo
  • National Bank of Greece/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on bond loan provided to NBG Pangaea REIC (now Prodea Real Estate Investments Company Société Anonyme)
  • Porsche on its €2.5 billion sustainability-linked syndicated financing

Financial Restructurings

  • Bank consortium on the refinancing of the Benteler Group within its restructuring
  • Bank consortium on the refinancing of the Borgers Group within its restructuring
  • Bank consortium on the restructuring of Tom Tailor
  • Bank consortium of STEAG's parent company on restructuring of the group with focus to the coal phase-out

Bar Qualification

  • Rechtsanwältin (Germany)


  • Second State Exam, Higher Regional Court, Düsseldorf
  • First State Exam, University of Wuerzburg

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • German